Travel Tip for Croatia: The Harbour City Zadar in North Dalmatia

Travel Tip for Croatia: The Harbour City Zadar in North Dalmatia

Watching the sunset while the sea organ plays different tunes in the background – this only exists in Zadar, a harbour city in North Dalmatia/Croatia. In this travel post, I show you the most beautiful places, delicous reastaurant, and the picturesque alleyways of the city.

Travel tip for Croatia from RetroCat: The harbour city Zadar

Zadar – a City of Contrasts

As in every big city, there are some shabby corners in Zadar, the old town however is very charming. Beside modern installations, like the sea organ opened in 2005, which plays music with the help of sea waves, there are also very old buildings like the Curch of St. Donatus from the 9th century. Another highlight is the by Nikola Basic installed “Greeting to the Sun”. Solar modules chatch and save the sunlight during the day just to emit light when it’s dark. A magical place to finish the day!

Der Sonnenuntergang in Zadar/Kroatien

Die Meeresorgel in der kroatischen Stadt Zadar

Die Kirche Sv. Donat in Zadar

Die Fenster der Kirche Sv. Donat in Zadar

Das Lichtspiel bei Nacht in Zadar/Kroatien

Ein Seegelschiff vor dem Sonnenuntergang in Zadar

To get into the old town, it’s best to use the pedestrian bridge. Walk through the gate in the city wall and start your adventure in Zadar!

Die Fußgängerbrücke zur Altstadt von Zadar

Eine Panorama-Aufnahme von Zadar bei Nacht

Zadar – Restaurants, Ice Cream Parlours, and Markets

You will find market stalls everywhere in the city. They not only sale souvenirs but also useful stuff like bathing shoes, which you really need in Croatia – trust me! Moreover there are a lot of beautiful boutiques in all price ranges.

Die Marktstände in der Hafenstadt Zadar

Eine Gasse in Zadar/Kroatien

Die charmanten Gassen von Zadar bei Nacht

For dinner, we love to visit the restaurant Groppo in the heart of Zadar. For dessert I highly recommend chocolate soufflé. Another really gorgeous restaurant is Bistro Pjat. Everything we tried there, from starters, to the main courses, and dessert, war really delicious.

Zu Besuch im Restaurant Groppo in Zadar

Ein Weinglas gefüllt mit leckerem Rosé

Frischer Fisch und Meeresfrüchte aus Kroatien

Die Strandpromenade in Zadar bei Nacht

If you prefer ice cream, I’m happy to tell you that you have a wide variety of ice cream parlours over there. Our favourite ice cream parlor is the Slaticarna Donat, directly behind the church Sv Donat. Last but not least, our insider café tip: the Kavana Lovre not only sells great coffee, if you go inside, you will also be surprised. At the back of the café, there is an old church from the 11th century.

After dinner and shopping we normally walk along the coast, through a small harbour, and back to the car park.

Reise-Bloggerin RetroCat in der kroatischen Hafenstadt Zadar

Ein kleiner Hafen in Zadar bei Nacht

Ein altes Boot im Hafen von Zadar

RetroCat vor der Stadtmauer von Zadar in Kroatien

PS: Find all outfit details in my Style Diary part 4.

Travel Tip for Croatia: The Harbour City Zadar in North Dalmatia - Travel Blog RetroCat

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