Travel Tip: The breathtaking National Park Krka in Croatia

Travel Tip: The breathtaking National Park Krka in Croatia

About 860 plant species and 220 animal special, 110 km² area, and one of the biggest bat colonies in europe – the national park Krka has so much more to offer than just breathtaking waterfalls. Therefore, a visit of this fascinating natural landscape is a must when in Croatia. In this blogpost, I’m going to show you the most beautiful places and give some useful advice for your stay.

Travel tip from travel blogger RetroCat: The National Park Krka in Croatia

The Arrival to the National Park Krka

If you want to visit the krka waterfalls, it’s best to use the boat or bus. However, if you are sporty, it’s also possible to come by foot. We arrived from Skradin via boat. Depending on the season, they usually go about every hour. So you can plan the length of your stay individually. As we visited Primošten before, we decided to only visit “Skradinski bug”. You will find a price list with all important information at the official website. Tip: As there are always a lot of tourists at the Krka waterfalls, it’s best to visit them off-season.

Ein atemberaubender Wasserfall im Nationalpark Krka in Kroatien
Enten im Nationalpark Krka in Kroatien

Wasserfälle im Nationalpark Krka in Kroatien

Die atemberaubende Natur im Nationalpark Krka

A fascinating natural Landscape – the National Park Krka

The nationalpark Krka consists of seven waterfalls in total. If you arrive by boat, you are able to visit the biggest one, the “Skradinsiki bug” right at the beginning. This waterfall consists of 17 steps and has a height of about 45 metres. On hot days, it’s even possible to take a bath in the lowest basin. Along the waterfalls, there are also a lot of mills and historic houses that can be visited.

Badegäste an den Krka-Fällen

Historisches Werkzeug im Nationalpark Krka

Ein historischer Blasebalg im Museum vom Nationalpark Krka

Ein alter MĂĽhlstein im Nationalpark Krka

Ein altes Haus im Nationalpark Krka

Eine hĂĽbsche BrĂĽcke im Nationalpark Krika in Kroatien

KĂĽnstliche Stufen in einem Wasserfall im Nationalpark Krka

The “Skradinski bug” is about 800 metres long. A tour around this waterfall takes about an hour and definitely isn’t as exhausting as one would imagine. There are many trees around which provide shade. And although you have to climb some steps, there are a lot of possibilities to take a break, have a seat, and snacks while enjoying an amazing view over the landscape.

Die faszinierende Naturlandschaft im Nationalpark Krka in Kroatien

Das kristallklare Wasser der Krka-Fälle

Enten bei den Krka-Fällen in Kroatien

Die Wälder rund um die Krka-Fälle in Kroatien

Natur pur: Der Nationalpark Krka in Kroatien

Die atemberaubenden Krka-Fälle in Kroatien - ein echter Reisetipp

Reisetipp für Kroatien: die Krka-Fälle

Der Skradinski bug - der größte Wasserfall im Nationalpark Krka

As we unfortunately didn’t have a lot of time, we were only able to visit a small part of the national park. However, we definitely will come back to see the rest.

Travel Tip: The breathtaking National Park Krka in Croatia

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