Half of 2017 is already over and our memory cards are more than full. When I went through all of the photos we didn’t use for the blog, I found some very funny and not so flattering pictures of me. Some of them are so odd, that I simply had to show them. So here are my outtakes 2017 – part 1.
Outtakes 2017 – Part 1
When we took the photos for the Coco Chanel inspired outfit post, I was a bit overexcited what you can see in my face. Funny fact: Yes, my tongue is as long as it looks, I’m even able to reach my nose with my tongue. 😉 If you would like to know more funny things about me, check out this blog post.
I’ve always had problems with twirling and dancing, especially when the ground is uneven and I’m wearing heels – this is something you maybe already know from this blog post. Although I should be more experienced right know, I need sometimes a lot of attemps until we find one decent photo of me twirling around.
The Palm Dress by Grünten Mode and even my hair swing amazingly when I’m moving! However, my face looks really weird here, mainly because I was a bit dizzy after twirling around over and over again…
Twirling with a handbag and looking good is even more challenging than just twirling, and a trial of patience for my photographer. In the end, though, we found some good photos, as you can see here.
Another try, another fail. When we shot the photos for the King Louie blog post, we took this funny snapshot. Looks a bit like breakdance, doesn’t it?
No twist this time, but a jump – or should we rather say an attempt to jump? For this blog post, I actually wanted to fly away like Mary Poppins and completely failed. Well, at least at the beginning. In the end, we took some cool photos which you will find here.
New outfit, same problem – jumping isn’t as easy as I thought… By the way: Find all details of this super cool outfit here.
Here, I wanted to rake seductively through my hair – and failed as you can see. 😉 But at least the outfit looks great, doesn’t it? Find all details in this blog post.
Last but not least the funniest photo in my opinion. I actually wanted to “vivify” my pictures and we all see how this ended. Looks like I’m sliding off the bridge. But don’t worry! I’m okay, and in the end, we even found some decent photos. Find the full outfit post and an exclusive discount code for the Napo Shop in this blog post.
You want to see more funny photos of me? Then check out my Outtakes 2016 as well.