Warm, elegant and stylish: A retro Look for Autumn with Your Silk Shop and BlackButterfly

Warm, elegant and stylish: A retro Look for Autumn with Your Silk Shop and BlackButterfly

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Summer is over and the warm temperatures are passĂ©. I’m still in the countryside and won’t be back in Munich before the “Wiesn aka Oktoberfest” madness is over. Until then, I spend my time reading and walking in nature. Sometimes I combine both and search for a lovely place at the lake to read magazines and books. But as the weather is already quite autumn-like here in Germany, it’s important to choose warm clothes. Dresses with long sleeves and cosy accessories are a must.

RetroCat beim Lesen der Zeitschrift "Vintage Flaneur"

Long Sleeves and a lovely Design: The Zara Vintage Swan Dress by BlackButterfly

The Zara Vintage Swan Dress by BlackButterfly is perfect for the first chilly autumn days. The fabric is quite thick to keep you warm, and I really love the longer sleeves. However, when it’s really cold, I’m going to team the dress with long gloves. What I love most about the retro dress is the lovely colourful print. Underneath, I wore a vintage petticoat as well as tights.

RetroCat mit dem BlackButterfly Zara Vintage Swan Dress

Vintage-Bloggerin RetroCat mit einem schwarzen Retro-Kleid von BlackButterfly
For an even cosier outfit, I like to wear a matching scarf. Your Silk Shop for example offers some lovely pieces at a very good price.

Your Silk Shop: Fair produced Scarves at a good Price

The scarvess by Your Silk Shop are produced under fair conditions in the small town Nong Da Gai in Thailand. For Your Silk Shop, it’s important to pay fair wages so that the workers are able to make a good living from their job. The weaving is mainly owned and managed by women, by the way.

I chose two different scarves. Number one is a thicker piece in burgundy which is even perfect for very cold days.

RetroCat mit einem dunkelroten Schal von Your Silk Shop

RetroCat mit einem Retro-Kleid von BlackButterfly und einem roten Seidenschal

RetroCat mit dem Vintage Swan Dress von BlackButterly und einem Schal von Your Silk Shop

The second scarf is a bit thinner and therefore particularly suited for those early autumn days. I especially love the pink colour and shiny look. If you are not such a big fan of pink, that’s no problem at all as the scarf is available in a lot of different shades. Just have a look here.

RetroCat mit einem warmen Retro-Outfit fĂĽr den Herbst

RetroCat mit einem schwingenden Retro-Kleid und pinkem Schal

RetroCat mit einem fair produzierten Seidenschal von Your Silk Shop und einem Retro-Kleid

RetroCat mit einem pinken Seidenschal von Your Silk Shop

RetroCat mit einem eleganten Retro-Kleid und pinkem Schal von Your Silk Shop

A retro Outfit for Autumn – the Details:

Zara Vintage Swan Dress: c/o BlackButterfly

Scarf in burgundy by Your Silk Shop: available here

Pink scarf by Your Silk Shop: available here

Earrings: Glitter Paradise

Shoes: Deichmann, similar here

*This post is sponsored by Your Silk Shop

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