Welcome to Life! RetroCat’s Baby News

RetroCats Baby

RetroCat.de has been my baby since July 2015. However, during the last 9 months (actually even almost 10 months) it got a little quieter here. The reason: a real baby! I deliberately kept my pregnancy a secret. We wanted to enjoy the time to ourselves, without public updates and so on. Overall, the pregnancy went so completely differently than I had imagined and in the meantime I thought that the time full of worries and fears will never end. But then it suddenly happened, from one moment to the next we became parents and held our small, healthy bundle of love in our arms.

What’s next for RetroCat.de

Pregnant RetroCat wearing a black dress

RetroCat.de will of course remain. During the next weeks, however, I will only fill my blog whenever I have time. We are currently enjoying every moment with our baby, as what everyone says is true: time with children flies by! I enjoy the newborn scent, hold the little hands and spend hours just admiring my baby. I simply know too well that, in the next moment, all of this will be nothing more than a sugar-sweet memory. On the one hand, I can hardly wait to show my child the world, to go on excursions, to splash in the paddling pool and to experience the different stages of development. On the other hand, I’m already getting sentimental just thinking about the fact that those tiny onesies aren’t going to fit any longer in only a few weeks…

So we take thousands of photos and videos to capture all the beautiful moments, while we are watching our little one grow and thrive.

RetroCat.de is no longer my baby, but of course it remains an important part of me and will therefore definitely be maintained. By the way: RetroCat is not going be a typical mum blog. The subjects will remain the same, but maybe will be expanded to include a few retro prams or something similar in between.

And now, I will continue cuddling with my newborn!

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