Beat the Heat: 10 Tips on how to stay cool on hot Summer Days

Beat the Heat: 10 Tips on how to stay cool on hot Summer Days

Spring wasn’t very warm this year, but this is nothing I would complain about since it’s always too hot for me when temperatures reach more than 25 degrees. Hopefully summer won’t be too warm, but if so, I have some advice. In this blog post I want to share my best tips on how to stay cool on hot summer days with you.

1. Drink a lot

Drinking a lot is very important, especially on super hot summer days. Instead of ice cold drinks, I prefer lukewarm teas. They don’t cool down my body too much, which is better in the long term. I you drinkt cold drinks, your body will do everyhing to warm up again, so in the end you will sweat more. My favourite teas for summer a flower scented or tropical teas by Lov Organic. Of course a cocktail every now and then is also okay. 😉

RetroCats japanische Teekanne

2. Wear hats

Big hats protect you from too much sun. If your hat also looks stylish – even better. See my favourite vintage and retro hats in this blog post.

RetroCat mit einem schwarzen Vintage-Hut

3. Use foundation with SPF

My very pale skin needs some extra protection from the sun. I use the CC Cream by Chanel with SPF 50. You can buy the foundation here.


CC Cream von Chanel mit hohem Lichtschutzfaktor

4. Swimming with a swim donut

If it’s just too hot, maybe only a jump into the water helps. I really love relaxing in my pink swim donut, which you can buy here.

RetroCat mit Schwimmdonut im Meer

5. Shadow to go

Often, it’s not very easy to find a shady place on hot summer days. So why not taking the shadow with you? A very stylish possibility is this Asian parasol which was my best companion in Croatia.

RetroCat mit Streifenkleid und Sonnenschirm im Asia-Stil

6. Eat a lot of frozen yogurt

Well, frozen yogurt has been trendy for a very long time, but now, even I discovered that this is a perfect way to cool down on hot days – I especially love muesli toppings. In munich, you will find the best frozen yogurt at I Love Leo.

Frozen Yogurt von I Love Leo in München

7. Read in the shade

When it’s super hot and you just can’t learn or work anymore, search for a shady place where you can read your favourite book.

RetroCats Modebücher und ihre Teekanne

8. Skip university lecture and realx in the park instead

Of course I won’t encourage you to skip university lecutres, but when it’s very warm, I think this is totally ok. Which doesn’t mean I have done this. 😉

Gänse im Englischen Garten in München

9. Wear cool sorbet colours

Okay, colours can’t cool you down, but at least, sorbet colours look cool and fresh. You will find an outfit post featuring the beautiful dress below here.

RetroCat in einem Kleid in zarten Farben

10. Hole up in the cellar

Maybe not my best advice, but when it is just too hot outside the only thing I wanna do is hiding in my cellar. If you have a better tip, pleas leave me comment below. 😉

RetroCat in einer kühlen Unterführung

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