My Week: Sunshine, Reading & a Trip to the Countryside

My weekly review: Sunshine, books, and a trip to the countryside

I have the feeling that less and less blogs are filled with new posts in the last few years. It seems like the fast consumption of photos and videos on Instagram and TikTok replaces long blogposts more and more. What a pity! Although I personally seek for new inspiration on social media, too, I prefer making myself a cup of tea and take some time to read my favourite blogs. And you know which posts I like most beside fashion and beauty posts? Personal diary kind of blogpost! Something I haven’t really done here in, although I always reflect my week on Sundays and think about the beautiful things that have happened during the week. So I thought: Why shouldn’t I share my thoughts with you?

*This blogposts contains affiliate links (marked with *)

My Week: Books, Walks & a Trip to the Countryside

By now, I can’t say how often I’m going to share my week with you, this mainly depends on how you like this kind of posts, and how exciting my weeks are going to be – we all know that it is a bit hard to plan something at the moment. But now, let’s finally have a look at my previous week. Well, I maybe have to mention that my weeks aren’t very intersting, currently. But that doesn’t matter. I think the little things make life more beautiful.

What I did:

Wochenrückblick von RetroCat: Ein Ausflug ins Allgäu

Well, I didn’t do much during the week, but I went for a walk or a run every day and therefore fulfilled my goal of at least 10,000 steps a day. Furthermore, I went to the garden center and blogged a lot. I also cooked and baked almost every day. And I went on a daytrip to the countryside with my love and visited Neuschwanstein castle! Isn’t the view amazing from over there (just have a look at the picture)?

Blogposts of the Week:

Wochenrückblick Nr. 1: Die Beiträge auf dem Vintage-Blog RetroCat

What I read:

Wochenrückblick Nr. 1 von RetroCat: Das hat sie gelesen

I read a German book on how to become a mentalist (well, it is more about how to interpret the body language of others and how to control your own body language). Unfortunately, though, the book isn’t available in English…

What I saw on TV:

Wochenrückblick von RetroCat: Ihre gesehen Filme und Serien

We finally watched the movie Joker* this week. Furthermore, I watched some episodes of crime series while I was editing photos ;-).

What I ate:

RetroCats Wochenrückblick Nr. 1: Gemüse

This week, I ate homemade wild garlic pesto, lots of fresh vegetables, as well as vegetable shashlik, and lots of ice cream.

What I drank:

Wochenrückblick Nr. 1 von RetroCat - getrunken: Jede Menge Rosentee

Beside water, I drank lots of rose tea, and a few cups of coffee. On special days, I like to add a few drops of rhubarb syrup to my water – hmmm, delicious.

What I wore:

RetroCats Wochenrückblick Nr. 1: Das waren ihre Outfits

At home, I mainly wore loungewear or jersey dresses, when going out for a run, I wore sportswear, and when running errands, I either wore my favourite new gingham dress, or wide swing pants in combination with a simple white blouse.

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*Affiliate links

What I bought:

Ein Blick auf RetroCats Balkon im Sommer

I didn’t bought much this week, just a few things for my balcony and the garden, such as some food for the wild birds, and a parasol for the balcony. You know, it is getting quite hot on my balcony and I want to enjoy summer outside, so a parasol was a must-have. 😉

What made me happy this Week:

RetroCats Tomatenpflanzen auf ihrem Balkon

The first tomatos on our balcony are growing and we have more bees and bumblebee on our balcony ever day. (PS: In this blogpost, I tell you how to easily create a bee-friendly balcony.)

What I’m looking forward to next Week:

In Munich, a Thierry Mugler exhibition is taking place and I want to visit it next week. With a face mask and enough distance to others, in Germany we can now visit museums and exhibitions again.

How was your week?

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