About new Beginnings and old Passions: My Mooboard for January

Von Neuanfängen und alten Leidenschaften: Mein Mooboard für den Januar
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My moodboard for January

I know that for many people January is one of the least favorite months ever. Not so for me, though. It is my birthday month and apart from that it represents new beginnings. With January we open a book with 365 or 366 blank pages. So we can rewrite our chapters and become the author of our own life. Well, don’t worry, it won’t get any more philosophical today. 🙂

My Moodboard for January

RetroCat's moodboard for January: A dance in the snow

Actually, I wrote that I don’t have any New Year’s resolutions. But I have one thing: I want to live more in the here and now. Enjoying the time with my baby and just living my life. How often do we long for more, how often do we think that things will get better at some point and how often do we long for a different life? So my goal is to be more satisfied with what I have. At the end of my life I want to be able to say: I have lived my life. I loved, danced and just enjoyed the time. We don’t need designer bags, expensive clothes or perfect make-up. Although of course I still like all of these things. 😉 However, they play no role in a happy life.

January is all about fun, relaxation and a lot of passion. I’ll just put on my nicest clothes, wear bold lipstick whenever I feel like it (after Christmas I usually go for pink, as I’ve had enough of all the red for now ;-)) and if I don’t feel after all of that, I will slip into my most beautiful loungewear and sip a cup of floral tea from Mariage Frères. I would also like to redesign my home a bit so that I feel even more comfortable there. I really like the combination of dark green, gold and light pink.

Voila, here is my moodboard for the first month of the year.

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