My Week: Back in the City

My Week: Back in the City

My week

After two relaxed weeks in the countryside, I went back to Munich on Monday. Thanks to the wonderful summer weather, I was able to enjoy my time outside in the park or on my balcony, and I also finally met two dear friends again. And now, I’m going to tell you what else I did, wore, and drank in my weekly review.

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What I did:

RetroCats week: Small ducks in a park in Munich

Just as the weeks before, I went out for my daily walks and runs in the park. I also restarted with the Ballet Beautiful workout by Mary Hellen Bowers. Although we most likely won’t leave for summer vacation at the sea this year, and a beach body therefore isn’t neccessary, I decided to do more for my health and body. And to have more fun while working out, I bought some ballet shoes and a body suit. 😉

To finish the week perfectly, I met two very dear friends in the city for a well deserved drink. So it felt almost like normality, again, although I’m still very careful, keep proper distance, and wear a mask.

Last week’s Blogposts on

What I wore

Due to the good weather, I mainly wore summer dresses as well as swing skirts in combination with lovely tops, last week. I teamed my looks with basket bags, some jewellery, sandals or ballet flats. Although I think summer is the by far most boring season when it comes to fashion, I somehow enjoy that I’m well dresses with just slipping into a dress and some shoes.

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What I bought

I didn’t bought much new last week. However, I got some wonderful second hand pieces from a friend – of course I’m going to show them to you soon here on!

What I ate and drunk

RetroCat's week: Drinks in Munich

At the weekend, my boyfriend and I went out for dinner and had pizza, on the other days, we either ate pasta or vegetables. I mainly drank water with a few drops of rhubarb syrup, as well as green rose tea by Kusmy – and, as mentioned before, I had a drink with friends.

What made my week more beautiful:

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