Book Tip for Retro Fans with Hair Problems: “Vintage Hairstyles” by Sarah Wing and Emma Sundh

Book Tip for Retro Fans with Hair Problems: “Vintage Hairstyles” by Sarah Wing and Emma Sundh

I really love playing with makeup and trying new looks. When it comes to hairstyles, however, I’m always desperated. My hair is quite stubborn, and I’m not very talented in doing my hair. This is why I wear a big bun most of the time which I like to accessorize with a hairflower. So no wonder that I was over the moon excited when I found the book “Vintage Hairstyles” by Sarah Wing and Emma Sundh. Simple tips and modern products are supposed to help creating amazing retro hairstyles. In this blog post, I tell you if this is working.

Das Buch "Vintage-Frisuren - Einfache Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen für spektakuläre Looks"

1. Vintage Hairstyles: Structure and Layout

The cover itself looks very pretty. (In the pictures you see the German version, the English version looks a bit different, but the content is the same.) The only thing I don’t like so much is that it is made of thin cardboard, I would have prefered a hard cover. But since the content is what’s really important I don’t want to keep on about that.

The structure of the book is pretty nice. First comes a short introduction, then the story of hairstyles from 1910 to the 1960s. Before the actual tutorial part starts, there is a short guide about the products you need. The authors also focus on the different methods to get lovely curls. After that, the part with 12 different hairstyles starts. Then, the autors talk about hats and scarfs. If you are a DIY fan, there are even some step by step instructions on how to create hats and hair accessories by yourself. Finally, there are some retro makeup tips, a guide with different nail shapes from 1910 to 1960, and some tips for eyeglass wearer.

Das Buch "Vintage-Frisuren" und einige Haar-Werkzeuge

2. Vintage Hairstyles: Do the Instructions work?

The different hairstyles are explained pretty good while pictures visualize the procedure. Some of the looks are very easy, others are more difficult – but with a bit of practice they are all feasible. First, I had some problems with the more advanced hairstyles, however, after trying them over and over again, I’m pretty pleased with the results.

What I really like is that you don’t need a lot of fancy products or tools to create the great hairstyles, I already had everything at home. There are a lot of different looks for all hair types and lengths – a perfect guide for every vintage lady. So light a scented candle, turn on your favourite music, make yourself a huge cup of tee (or get a RosĂ© ;-)) and start playing with your hair! Isn’t this a perfect activity for rainy days?

Since the base of almost every hairstyle in the book are curles, I like to use sleep in rollers. If I put them in, the only thing I have to do in the morning is brushing my hair out and do one of the tutorials – this really saves a lot of time! I use the Rockin’ Rollers, which you can buy here. Some of my other must-haves are a big hair donut, a tail comb, as well as lots of hair pins and bobby pins.

Das Buch "Vintage-Frisuren", ein Duttkissen, Spiegel und Kamm

3. Vintage Hairstyles: Résumé

Although the book looks quite thin at the first sight, it’s very detailed. Beside a lot of different vintage hairstyles the book gives you a wide range of tips and background knowledge. Futhermore the book contains a makeup and hat guide for retro fans. All in all “Vintage Hairstyles” exeeded my expectations – it definitely keeps up with YouTube tutorials. If you like to experiment with vintage hairstyle and are not a pro yet, I really recommend this book.

Buy “Vintage Hairstyles – Simple Steps for Retro Hair with a Modern twist” here.

RetroCat mit dem Buch "Vintage-Frisuren" beim Lesen und Stylen der Haare

* The book was gifted to me.

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