It should look easy, make the outfit and model look good, and should be something special – I’m talking about the perfect pose. However, not every pose looks good on everyone and fits for every photo shoot. After more than two and a half years of fashion blogging, I found some poses that, in my opinion, look great, and are quite easy. In this blogpost, I’m going to tell you my best posing tips, and show you, how to look good in photos.
Posing Tips: The Basics
Let’s start with the basics. First of all, it’s important to sit up straight or stand upright. Mind your body tension, shoulders back, chest out and contract your stomach muscles – I’m sure that’s something even your mum told you back in time. 😉 Furthermore, my back usually is slightly arched (hollow-back). That’s maybe not super comfortable but looks good on photos, I promise.
When it comes to my facial expression, I vary. Sometimes I smile, sometimes I show my teeth, and sometimes I look serious. But what I usually always do is NOT looking directly into the camera. Instead, I fix a spot above or beside the lens. And to look more relaxed, I normally open my mouth a little bit.
Furthermore, make sure to be conscious about your hands and legs. At the beginning of my blogging “career”, I found myself making a fist quite often. A good way to let the hands look relaxed is to shake them off and then slightly touch the index fingers with the thumbs. Feet, on the other side, look best when the toes are pointed, in my opinion.
So that’s it for the basics. And now, let’s move on to more fun poses. As I’m mainly modelling for vintage and retro fashion, my poses are a bit over the top sometimes. This is mainly due to the fact that pinup photos and pictures from old fashion advertisements show women in rather extreme poses so my poses are quite different from the streetstyle or “out of the moment” shots you maybe know from modern fashion blogs. But I simply prefer the more editorial and ladylike looks. 😉
Posing Tip: A Hand on the Hip
The hand on the hip is perhaps the classic amongst the poses and always a good idea. It places the focus on the waist/hips and therefore gives the body more “shape”. Depending on how I feel, I either place my hand very relaxed on my hip or additionally bend my body in the direction of my elbow.
Sometimes, I want to try something different and place both hands on my hips. I place my legs shoulder-width, push my elbows slighty towards the front and try to look very severe. I guess the following picture is one of the very few ones where I’m looking directly in the camera. 😉
Posing Tip: Hands in and around the Face
Placing my hands respectively fingers in and around my face is one of my favourite poses. Sometimes, I put only one hand on my cheeks or chin, sometimes both to create a kind of frame around my face. Placing one hand at the neck is also a good idea. Just play a bit with you hands and look what you like most.
A classy pinup pose is the hand in front of your open mouth, by the way. While doing this, just say “ooops” or “ahhhh” and simultaneously simle a little bit. Only one finger in front of the mouth and a “shhhh” is another good idea, especially when you want to create a mystic atmosphere. 😉
Posing Tip: Hand on the Shoulder
A hand on the shoulder is another easy but stylish pose. I like to “cross” my body and put the left hand on the right shoulder or the other way round. Stretch your neck, make a hollow-back, and look to the side. This creates a gorgeous long neck and looks very sophisticated.
Posing Tip: Lean against something
Who would have thought leaning against something can be quite tricky? If you don’t want like to look like a plank in the photo, it is very important to enhance the curves. I make a hollow back, bend one knee, and make sure that both of my hands are visible in the picture.
Posing Tip: Play with your Outfit, Location, and Props
If you wear a fancy outfit, play with it! Raise your skirt a bit to look super sassy, play with bows, sunglasses, or whatever.
Another good idea is to integrate the location into your photos, Just grab whatever you find and strike a pose. 😉
Animals are super cute, of course, and beautiful photo shooting companions. However, you never know what animals are going to do so it’s advisable to have some treats with you. Photo shoots with props like a pumpkin in fall for example are easier. 😉
Posing Tip: Twirls and Jumps
Let us now move on with twirls and jumps. Taking those photos is not as easy as it might look. The most important thing while twirling around is trying not to move too much. If you leave your position, you will be out of focus and therefore look blurred. So I usually place my feet slightly offset from each other and turn on my own axis, and then back.
When it comes to jumping, try to look as relaxed as possible! And if you need some more trials, don’t worry! I always need more trials as well.
And now, have fun trying some poses!
Finally, I have one last tip for you: It’s best to practice in front of a mirror first. If you found some poses you like, ask your best friend, parents or boyfriend if they may take some photos of you. I feel so much more confident in front of the camera if the photographer is someone I know and like. This is actually the best way to try new poses and just have fun. And when you feel confident in front you your friend’s camera, you will feel confident in front of a professional photographer as well!
Trial and error is my strategy when it comes to poses. Just have a look at my blog bloopers to see how funny this can end. 😉