Weekly Review: Elegant Summer Fashion, Garden Happiness and Excursion Tips

Wochenrückblick: Elegante Sommermode, Gartenglück und Ausflugstipp
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My weekly review

Normally this time of year I always complain about the temperatures being way too hot and tell everyone how much I’m looking forward to fall. Well, this year things are different. Since it rains so often and a lot this year and the temperatures aren’t particularly high most of the time, I’m actually really looking forward to a whole week of sunshine. The last week can actually be described as really summery – with a few small exceptions. I’ll tell you what I’ve been up to in my weekly review.

What I did:

I looked after my kitchen garden, visited a farm with my toddler and went to a pottery market. We just spent the rest of the time comfortably in the garden – in the pleasant shade under the apple tree. I’ve also been quite busy and published some new blog posts.

Current Blogposts on RetroCat.de:

What I wore

With the summer temperatures, I was finally able to wear all of my summer dresses. I particularly enjoy wearing models made from light crepe fabrics, such as those from The Seamstress of Bloomsbury via Etsy*. Add large sunglasses and you’re perfectly dressed. If I don’t want a dress or skirt, I just wear shorts or capris and a striped shirt. That’s the beautiful thing about summer. It’s really super easy to put together an elegant outfit.

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What I ate:

There was all sorts of food from the garden again. Homemade focaccia with tomatoes and rosemary, delicious zucchini pasta and eggplant casserole. Plus fresh garden salads or simply a few freshly harvested cucumbers. I think it’s easy to eat a lot of vegetables in the summer. 🙂

What I bought

Apart from our weekly shopping at the supermarket, I was frugal this week and didn’t buy anything. I used to go to the supermarket almost every day and buy whatever I needed for the day when I lived in Munich. Things are completely different now. We make a plan and shop once a week. It’s actually quite nice and if something goes wrong, you just have to improvise. That’s what makes you inventive and that’s how I’ve come up with one or two really good, self-composed recipes, such as my zucchini pasta.

What I watched

Since becoming a mother, I rarely watch anything on TV. The new episode of House of the Dragon always comes out on Monday, and we didn’t miss it. Otherwise, I started with The New Look on Apple TV, but haven’t gotten very far yet.

My trip tip of the week:

There are places that are almost too good to be true. And yet they are there, often much closer than you think. The Falkenstein castle ruins in the Allgäu are exactly such a place. King Ludwig even chose this exact spot to build his last dream castle. It should have surpassed Neuschwanstein. That never happened, but the view is truly unique. I’ll tell you everything you need to know for a trip there in this blog post.


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