My Week: The first Snow

My week: The first snow and Christmas preparations

My week: The first snow and Christmas preparations

Just in time for December and advent, we had the first snow of this winter here in Munich last week – isn’t this romantic? And in the following, I am going to tell you what I did, bought, and read during this first week of December. 🙂

What I did:

Last week was freezing cold, nevertheless I went out for long walks in nature almost every day. I enjoyed the cold air and watched the ducks on the frozen pond. I also did some bath bombs by myself (I found the receipt on the German blog Bathely). To be honest: My bath bombs don’t really look that good, but they smell amazingly. 😉

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What I wore:

RetroCat wearing a cosy fake-fur jacket in winter

Due to the freezing cold temperatures, I took out my cosy fake-fur jackets and warm winter coats for my long walks. At home, I mainly wore warm socks and pretty loungwear – and sometimes even a fancy Christmas headband, just to get into festive mood. 😉

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What I bought and read:

RetroCat's weekly review: The official Downton Abbey Christmas Cookbook

I bought two wonderful books last week. The lovely coffee table book Cocottes – Reines du Paris 1900* as well as the Babylon Berlin Book* (I absolutely love this German series!).

I also browsed the wonderful Official Dowton Abbey Christmas Cookbook*. Beside delicious receipts, you will also find some amazing photos from the film set as well as a lot of interesting background information in there.

While I read, I enjoy a cup of the Christmas tea Tsarevna by Kusmi* and light a scented candle by Diptyque*.

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What I ate:

Last week, I ate healthy meals with a lot of vegetables. So I was also allowed to nibble some sweets and lots of chocolate. 🙂 A while ago, I had a photo shoot for Wagner Pralinen, a German manufactory for chocolate candy, and got some sweets as a little gift from them. I actually wanted to gift them to my loved ones for Christmas, but now, I ate almost all of them by myself… 🙂

What makes December more beautiful:

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How was your last week?

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