Monthly Review – January: A lot of Time at Home

Monthly Review - January: A lot of Time at Home
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My monthly review: January

When there is something I definitely had enough of in 2020, then it would be time at home. However, as it looks like, we are going to spend even more time in our own rooms. And as I almost urged for a little change, I decided to rearrange my flat. So in January, my partner and I moved furniture, bought new stuff and I redecorated almost everything (I am almost sure I am going on my boyfriend’s nerves – haha). As rearranging and redecoration is very time-consuming, it was a bit more quiet here on, by the way. But now, I am back.

My life isn’t very interesting, currently, though. Therefore, I decided to share monthly reviews instead of weekly reviews at the moment. So let’s have a look on what I did, wore and bought in January!

What I did

Beside rearranging my flat, I also cleaned out my closet. I already did the same during the first lockdown in spring 2020, but I still definitely had too much stuff.

Beside this, I went out for walks in nature and even was ice-skating at the beginning of January. Oh, and I celebrated my birthday, at home, with my boyfriend – quite a contrast to my birthday trip to Paris last year, it still was beautiful, though. 😉

What I wore

From a fashion perspective, January wasn’t very interesting, either. But while moving furniture, climbing on ladders and cleaning everything afterwards, we rather wear something comfortable, don’t we? So my kind of uniform for the month consisted of leggings and sweaters. Only when I went out for walks, I wore my coats and winter dresses.

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My Beauty Favourites in January

RetroCat's monthly review: Beauty favourites

My skin was a bit irritated, lately. I have the feeling that all the makeup I wore during the last few years in combination with ways too many skincare products kind of overstressed my skin. So at the moment, I follow the following routine: Back to basics. I stopped wearing makeup most of the time and only apply it on special occasions (of which we really don’t have many, at the moment). Furthermore, I changed my skincare routine and only use a very gentle cream without fragrances for sensitive skin. I already see some changes and even got rid of some spots.

By now, my skin feels so much better. This is why I decided that I will use less products and won’t wear makeup every day in the future. But of course, I would never skip makeup products completely – I simply love applying them too much! Nevertheless, my beauty favourite in January is mother nature. 😉

What I bought

I actually almost only bought furniture in January. 😉

What will (hopefully) make February more beautiful:

I am quite sure February isn’t going to be more exciting than January. But at least, there is Valentine’s Day! I usually never celebrate this day, but I think, this year I will. I am going to wear something pretty, put on my most beautiful lingerie, will order some delicious food and will drink a glass of champagne with my love at home. 😉

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