How to find your personal Style – Step 2: Closet Cleanout – and then?

What to do with mucked out Clothing? Useful and sustainable Tips

What to do with sorted out Clothing

After I talked about how to clean out a wardrobe properly in my last blogpost, we are now going to figure out what to do with our sorted out garments. Depending on the condition of your clothing, you  can even earn some money with your worn garments and make someone else really happy.

What to do with sorted out Clothing? Washed out and/or defect Garments

What to do with mucked out clothing? RetroCat's tips

Washed out and/or defect clothing doesn’t have to always be disposed. Here are some other ideas:

Keep some old Garments

Especially a few garments that are maybe not really up to date anymore, but still in quite good condition, are worth to keep. I, for example, have a pair of old jeans as well as some sweaters at my parents’ home. Always when I want to help them in the garden, I have something to wear and don’t destroy my favourite garments.

Fix old Clothing

Unfortunately, it is not that fashionable anymore to fix garments that have some flaws. But especially true vintage clothing or expensive garments are things I like to bring to my seamstress to fix them. If you are more talented than I, you can also fix your garments by yourself, of course. To know a good shoemaker is recommendable too, by the way.

Recycle/Downcycle old Garments

Garments that are really washed out or have many flaws that can’t be fixed, can still be modified. A dress with a disturbed top might still make a great skirt, for example. And if all this isn’t an option, clothing can still be downcycled. I like to make cloths out of my old cotton garments – tip from my grandma, by the way. 😉 Another downcycling option are selfmade face cleaning cloths.

Old pillowcases, blankets and towels always go to my cat, by the way. We like to make him sleeping places out of them. And sometimes an old blanket in a box is his favourite place. 🙂

How to dispose old Garments

If your clothes are really washed out/disturbed, the last option is to dispose them. I recommend to inform yourself at official bodies on what they recommend. In Germany, there are places that accept old garments and some of them even get downcycled. However, they get ways to many things and are therefore no longer able to recylce everything. So in Germany, they recommend to dispose old garments that can’t be worn anmyore. But please inform yourself how to situation is in your country. My heart is always bleeding when I have to throw garments away.

What to do with sorted out Clothing that is in good Condition?

What to do with old garments? RetroCat's tips

Garments that are still in good condition but simply don’t fit our stye (anymore) can get their second chance somewhere else:

Exchange your Garments with Friends

Exchange pre-owned garments with your friends
Models: RetroCat and ElvaVintage

Especially if you have friends with a similar size to yours, it is a wonderful possibility to exchange clothes with them. What about a fashion party (as soon as it is possible again, of course)? Everyone brings the garments they don’t wear anymore and then you all start to exchange! With some drinks and good music, this is going to be a super fun day or night. And as long as we can’t meet personally, you can still ask if someone wants your mucked out garments via social media or messenger services.

Of course you can also give your worn garments to family members. I, for example, was always super happy when I got mucked out clothing from my cousin.

Sell pre-owned Clothing

Garments in good condition can also be sold on special platforms like ebay, depop, vestiaire collective and others, in second hand shops or on flea markets, for example. So you can even earn a bit of money with your old clothes.

Donate your Garments

You shouldn’t donate very old, washed out or defect garments. But clothing in good condition definitely can be donated and might make someone else really happy. I always recommend to search for collection points by yourself that take worn clothing. Some examples are homeless shelters, refugee homes, women’s shelters and similar aid organisations. So you know whom your worn clothes reach.

Of course it depends on where you live, but in Germany, we also have some second hand shops that take worn garments, resell them and donate the money to social institutions. We also have some special non-profit department stores that resell pre-owned things for very fair prices. Such shops or organisations might be a good option for your worn garments as well.

Of course it is best and most sustainable if we don’t even have to ged rid of our garments all the time. It definitely makes sense to buy less and rather high-quality clothing that accompanies us for a very long time. If you know your style, I am sure you are going to place less mispurchases and therefore don’t have to muck out your closet very often – and this is also the cause of this blog series.

All Blogposts from this Series:

How to find your personal Style – Step 1: Wardrobe Cleanout
How to find your personal Style – Step 2: Closet Cleanout – and then?

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