Daytrip tip: The Rose Garden in Munich
In Munich, there is a kind of hidden park full of the most beautiful roses and flowers: The rose garden (Rosengarten) – one of my favourite parks ever. It is such an idyllic place near the Isar and still quite central in Munich. Countless different types of roses and other flowers can be found. In the following, I am going to tall you why you definitely should visit this park in Munich.
The Rose Garden in Munich
The rose garden in Munich is quite small and less crowded than the bigger ones like the Enlischer Garten or Westpark. In the rose garden, you will find some lovely places to simply sit down, relax or read a book. There is a small playground for kids as well as a lovely creek. Furthermore, it is a great place to educat yourself on plants.

The different types of roses are labled, so you can search for the names of your favourite ones. Furthermore, it is an amazing place to find inspiration for your own garden. If you love roses as much as I do, I recommend to visit the garden from June to July, while the roses are blooming.
But even when rose season is not here or already over, this park is worth a visit! Many other kind of flowers and herbs can be found there – no matter if lilacs, lavender or other fancy plants.
More themed Gardens:

Beside the beds with the roses, there are some more themed gardens.
The Poisonous Plants Garden
I especially liked the educational garden full of poisonous plants. It was definitely interesting to see what kind of poionous plants we have in our own gardens!
The Scent Garden
Definitely more harmless and more aromatic is the scent garden. No matter if wild roses and the smell citrus fruits in spring, or the scent of jasmine and vanilla flowers in summer – this place always smells fantastic.
The Lilac Garden
Lilacs always remind me of my childhood in my parents’ garden, as they had one I absolutely loved. And now, there is a wonderful garden full of lilacs in Munich!
The Touch Garden
There also is a so called touch garden in this park, with many different flowers to touch and smell.
Green City – Munich

Beside the themed gardens, there is a part in the park where residents from Munich can cultivate their own vegetable plants and herbs. 🙂
As you can see, this small park has a lot to offer! So I definitely recommend to visit the beautiful rose garden in Munich.
Wher to find the rose garden: Sachsenstraße 2, Munich
PS: On my Instagram account, you will find a reel with some impressions from my day at the rose garden.