When Summer becomes fall: my Mood Board for September

Aus Sommer wird Herbst: Mein Moodboard für September
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Luckily I haven’t had to go to school for a long time, but in September I still get that back-to-school feeling. September is a kind of new beginning for me, even more so than January 1st. It marks the end of summer and slowly but surely autumn is coming. Now I’m craving nylons, tights, warm tones and stylish autumn looks. Instead of lemonade, I would much rather sip hot chocolate while watching the busy squirrel in the garden. My Pinterest boards are filling up with fall inspiration and things like baking pumpkin pie end up on my to-do list. So it’s the perfect time for a new mood board!

My Moodboard for September

Dark stockings, stylish autumn outfits and dreamy berry tones dominate my autumn wish list.

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