10 fun Things we can do in January

10 spaßige Dinge, die wir im Januar tun können
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Winter Tips: What we can do in January

January is not generally a month many people like. But I like it anyway, because it is the month I was born. It is also the month of New Year’s resolutions, winter adventures and cozy hours at home. And even though the days are short and the nights are long, there are many things you can do to make the most of this winter month. Here are ten ideas for outdoors and indoors:

1. January Tip: go ice skating

RetroCat ice skating on the lake: January tips

For me, there is hardly anything more magical than skating on a frozen lake. Of course, you can also go to an indoor or outdoor ice rink, but it is much nicer in nature. The cold wind in your face, the crunching of the ice under your blades – ice skating is simply fun! And if you have never been on the ice before, don’t worry: practice makes perfect, just give it a try.

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2. Skiing or sledding

January Tips: RetroCat with her child sledding

When the snow falls, it’s time to get out the sled and head up the hill! Sledding is such a classic winter pastime that mentally always takes me back to my childhood. So, grab a sled and enjoy the feeling of racing down the hill – it’s pure joy of life!

If you can ski, you can of course also hit the slopes.

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3. Tip for winter: baking bread

January Bucket List: RetroCats Homemade Bread

The smell of freshly baked bread is one of my favorite smells ever! Especially in winter, I love nothing more than homemade, still slightly warm bread fresh from the oven.

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4. Tip against winter blues: winter walks

RetroCat on a winter walk with dog

Yes, it is sometimes uncomfortable and really cold in January, but a walk through the winter forest or the snowy park can work wonders. The fresh air is good for you and snow-covered trees, sparkling fields with frost or glittering snow also have something magical about them. And besides, there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. 😉 You can find tips on how to stay warm even in retro clothing in this article. Afterwards we simply reward ourselves with hot chocolate.

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5. January tip: Watch winter films

January tip: Cozy film and series evenings

If the weather outside is really unpleasant, why not just have a cozy afternoon watching a movie? Get your favorite blankets, make yourself a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy a nice winter film – be it a classic like “Love Doesn’t Need Holidays” or an exciting thriller. You can find numerous film and series tips in my films category.

6. Winter tips: Cozy evenings with board games

The Game of Thrones Monopoly - perfect for cozy game nights in January

In January, there’s nothing better than getting together with friends or family around a table and playing great board games. Whether it’s classics like Monopoly (we love the Game of Thrones editio), chess or newer games – young and old alike will have fun!

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7. Tip for January: Build snowmen (if there is enough snow)

Tip for January: Build a snowman

I haven’t built snowmen for years, but now that I have a child I’ve got into it again and I have to say: it’s really fun! So get out of the living room and into the snow fun!

8. January tip: Enjoy tea time

January tip: Afternoon tea at home or in the city

Winter time is tea time! I rarely skip tea time, but in winter it is a must. Whether you’re enjoying it at home or in style in the city – afternoon tea is delicious, and not just in Great Britain! By the way: I’ll tell you my best locations for a stylish afternoon tea in Munich in this blog post.

9 January tip: Take winter photos

The cold season offers an incredible backdrop for impressive photos. Whether it’s the frost on the branches of the trees, the setting winter sun or the glitter of the snow – January is a paradise for photography fans. So grab your camera or alternatively your smartphone and off you go!

10. Winter tips: knitting, embroidery and other handicrafts

January Tips: Doing Handicrafts

I have my vegetable garden from spring to late autumn, but I miss it a lot in winter, as it’s the perfect place to relax and come down. That’s why I like to do handicrafts in winter. I find embroidery, for example, very relaxing. I’ve also decided to book a knitting course with my grandmother. 😉 Not only is it a great activity on the long winter evenings, it also makes a lovely, homemade gift for family and friends.

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Even the oh-so-boring January is the perfect month to be active outdoors in the fresh air as well as enjoying a cozy break indoors. So, don’t let the cold put you off – there are so many great things you can do now! Whether it’s adventures in the snow or relaxing by the fireplace, January has something for everyone.

Have fun!

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