My monthly Review for May: Joie de Vivre

My monthly Review for May: Joie de Vivre
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My monthly Review for May

May really was a good month. The terraces of the restaurants and cafés opened in Munich and although the weather was not always that good, we had our first dinner of the year somewhere else than in our own flat. I also did a few fun things and made my own bread. So let’s have a look on what I did, wore and saw this month.

What I did:

May was so exciting! After many months in lockdown, in the middle of May cafés and restaurants were finally allowed to open their terraces. The weather during May wasn’t that good, nevertheless, we finally went to a restaurant again.

On the few sunny days, I walked through the parks in Munich and enjoyed the cherry blossoms. Furthermore, I discovered that I am quite good at baking my own bread. I was also able to finally take my plants out to the balcony. And if the weather was bad, I organised my closet.

So all in all, May was a really good month and after such a long time, I am finally looking forward to what’s coming next. 😊

What I wore

Well, the weather wasn’t that springlike in May. So instead of dresses, I mainly wore capri trousers in combination with tops, sweaters or cardigans. Every now and then, though, I even needed my sunglasses. 😉

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What I watched

I started (to be honest very late) with the series True Blood this month. Otherwise I also watched Cruella, which I really liked and can definitely reommend. And I also saw some Tim Burton movies like Sleepy Hollow, Dark Shadows, Alice in Wonderland and some more.

What I am looking forward to in June:

I really hope June will be a bit more “normal” than the first few month of the year. And if the weather is going to be a bit more sunny – even the better!

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