From fancy to delicious looking: The most beautiful Earrings for Summer

From fancy to delicious looking: The most beautiful Earrings for Summer

The most beautiful earrings for summer

Summer is in full swing and maybe, even your summer vacation is just around the corner. In my summer outfit guide and shopping tip, I already told you what to consider when creating an outfit for hot days, and also showed you some specific looks. But what to wear with a summer outfit despite the classics like sunglasses, handbags, and maybe a summer hat? Earrings are always a good idea, at least in my opinion. They draw attention to the face, can look very seductive or elegant, and, in contrast to bracelets, usually don’t bother when doing one’s work.  This is why I want to show you the most beautiful earrings for summer. Maybe you even have the chance to get your hands on a pair on a market during your vacation, for example, as earrings definitely don’t have to be expensive to look good.

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Beatuiful Shell Earrings for Summer

RetroCat mit Muschel-Ohrringen, weißem Top und pinkem Lippenstift

Shells always remind me of summer, sun, beach, and the sea. This is why I not only love to wear shell earrings during my vacation, but also when I’m back home. So these earrings are able to extend summer – well, at least in thought. 😉 While real or real-looking shells are perfect for many different summer looks and even the beach, golden oder silver shells are elegant and therefore also go very well with evening outfits. I bought my favourite pair of shell earrings in Zadar/Croatia for less than three Euros, by the way.

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Shop Shell Earrings:

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Nautical Earrings for Summer

RetroCat mit maritimen Steuerrad-Ohrringen und einem passenden Cardigan

No matter if anchors, steering wheels, or even an entire sailing boat, just as shell earrings, nautical earrings always remind me of the sea. I almost can feel the breeze in my face and smell the salty sea air; so these earrings are absoultely perfect to get a bit of holiday feeling in everyday life. Of course, such earrings look amazing with nautical outfits, but they also go well with many different summer looks.

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Shop nautical Earrings:

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Sparkly (Ethno) Earrings

RetroCat mit Ethno-Ohrringen und einem orangen Kleid im Sommer-Urlaub

Huge, sparkly, ethno earrings with a lot of chi chi spice up even the most boring summer dress, look absolutely amazing with maxi dresses*, carmen blouses*, and even elegant evening gowns. I love huge earrings from colourful to monochrome and sparkly and wear them quite often in summer. Definitely a must-have, in my opinion.

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Shop sparkly (Ethno) Earrings:

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Colourful and summery Earclips

Mode-Bloggerin RetroCat mit buten Ohrclips von Glitter Paradise vor dem Sonnenuntergang

Huge and sparkly earrings are amazing, but sometimes they are simply not appropriate or don’t go well with one’s outfits. A great alternative are colourful earclips, which are available in many differents sizes and shapes. While simple and small domes* even look great in the office, drops* or dangels* spice up your summer dresses. Those earrings also look great in combination with more elgant dresses and can even be worn by people without earlobe piercings. Glitter Paradise*, for example, offers a wide range of different earclips.

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Shop colourful Earclips:

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Lovely Bamboo Earrings for Summer

RetroCat mit Palmen-Kleid und Bambus-Ohrringen von Glitter Paradise

Bamboo earrings* immediately remind me of the beach, cocktail bars, and warm summer days. Due to their simple shape and plain colour, they go well with almost every summer dress and even look great in combination with a bikini or siwimsuit. If you like, you can team them with a matching bamboo bracelet*. Golden or silver bamboo earrings, on the other side, are great  and summery accessories for glamorous evening gowns.

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Shop Bamboo Earrings:

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Fruit & Animal Earrings

RetroCat mit fruchtigen Ohrringen in Form einer Ananas sowie einem passenden Cardigan

And now, it is going to be kitschy and super fun: Fruit-shaped earrings are amazing companions for summer, as they fancy up even the most serious business outfit, look great together with summer dresses and always put me in a good mood. So what about pineapple earrings* such as I wear, for example? Colourful fruit earrings are perfect for daytime outfits or the beach, while more elegant ones with sparkly details even go well with evening outfits. Of course animal-shaped earrings are another great choice for summer. While flamingos*, for example, look super fun, spiders* look seductive and sexy. 🙂

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Fruchtige & tierische Ohrringe kaufen:

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More beautiful Earrings for Summer:

Die schönsten Ohrringe für den Sommer - vorgestellt von RetroCat

Of course, there are many more very beautiful summer earrings available. Beside the ones I already introduced, I also like to wear tortoiseshell look earrings, and other colourful jewellerey.

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Shop more beautiful Earrings for Summer:

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And now, I’m curious, as always: Do you like to wear earrings as much as I do? And if so, which ones do you prefer? Do you have specific “summer earrings”?

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