How to stay happy during Winter: My best Tips

How to stay happy during Winter at Home: My best Tips
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How to stay happy during Winter at Home

To be honest: I am almost always freezing, nevertheless, I somehow like winter (at least some parts of it). You can stay in bed a little bit longer without feeling guilty, as the sun isn’t already shining through your window early in the morning. And here in the south of Germany, we usually also have some snow in winter, which makes everything look prettier.

However, those long nights and short days also make me a bit tired. I often feel less inspired than during warmer seasons and sometimes, I wish I simply could hibernate. And as it also is impossible to escape from the cold temperatures for a few days this year, as travelling still isn’t an option, I think we all need some things that cheer us up. So in the following, I am going to tell you how I survive winter at home and share my best tips for the cold season with you. I will take you with me on a normal day and tell you what I do every day to stay happy during this time of the year.

A wonderful Winter Morning

I am definitely more a night owl than the early bird, and in winter, it is especially hard for me to get up. So a restful sleep is very important. And I sleep best in a cosy, freshly-made bed. This is why I always make sure to invest in high-quality laundry.

Such cosy laundry doesn’t make it much easier to get up, as my bed really is comfortable, you know, but I know remedy: I always make myself a delicious cup of green rose tea by Kusmi or coffee right after getting up. And a pretty kettle by Smeg definitely makes it easier for me in the morning. 😉

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Winter at Home: Pretty Loungwear

A winter day at home: RetroCat wearing loungewear

I know that almost every home office guide claims to dress up for the day to be more productive. But I can tell you, I definitely work as produktive in loungewear as I do in “normal” clothes – I am just more comfortable. 😉 I do invest in some especially pretty loungwear, though. And currently, a lovely set by La Perla or Agent Provocateur is on top of my wishlist.

Especially now, were we spend so much time at home, I think it is absolutely legitimate to spend a little bit more money on something comfortable and pretty for home. So in the morning, right after getting up, I slip into wonderful and comfy loungewear – even when I have to work. 😉

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My Beauty Routine in the Morning

RetroCat's beauty routine during winter

My beauty routine completely has changed during the last year. I don’t wear makeup that often (my skin has never been better, by the way). But I still keep good care of my skin. I start with cleaning my face and applying a bit of face oil. Then, I usually wear a nurturing lipstick with a bit of pink colour in it and apply some mascara. This definitely is enough for me during a winter day at home, currently.

A lovely Working Space

RetroCat's working space: laptop, scented candle and headphones

After getting ready, it’s time to work. I’ve been working in home office even before Corona times, by the way. Nevertheless, something has changed last year. I usually was alone at home during the day, but since almost a year now, my boyfriend has been joining me in the home office. And it actually works pretty well with the two of us in one room.

However, there is something I can’t work without now: My headphones with noise cancelling! I need silence to write, and my boyfriend sometimes has calls, so they really help me to stay sane. 😉

Furthermore, I like to create a pretty space for work. I light a scented candle, because is there something more beautiful than candlelight? I don’t think so. My favourite one is Benjoin by Diptyque*, currently. And I also make sure everything looks lovely (I even own a pink laptop ;-)).

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Winter at Home: Try something new (or old)

RetroCat's tips for winter at home: Trying something new

During winter, I sometimes feel uninspired and am simply tired. And especially this year, without any fun occasions or personal contacts, it get’s even worse. However, I found something that really helps me to distract: Trying something new or doing something we used to love. You don’t have to do something very fancy. Simply try to remember what you liked to do during your childhood, for example. I always enjoyed taking pictures when I was younger. And a few years ago, I even got myself a professional camera. Nevertheless, I somehow stopped photographing.

But then, only a few weeks ago, I rediscoverd my love for taking pictures and started again. To practice a bit, I decided I will photograph the most uncooperative model in the world: My cat. You know, my cat actually is super cute. However, the moment he sees a camera, he starts to look angry or simply leaves the room. So in the end, I needed the help of my mum, my boyfriend and half a bag of treats to get a proper photo of him. But now, I am very proud and really love the result, what do you think? I definitely will photograph more in the future and am so happy to finally have a hobby. 😉

And just in case you are interested: I have the Sony Alpha 6300.

PS: I even started my own photography Instagram account, only with photos taken by me. So just in case you want to follow my very promising photography career, have a look: 😉

A walk in the Snow

The absolut last thing I want to do on a snowy and cold winter day is to go outside. However, I force myself almost every day to go out for at least half an hour. And as soon as I slipped into my winter outfit and feel the cold, fresh air on my skin, I immediately feel better. Energy comes back, I am definitely less tired and always ask myself: Why didn’t I go out earlier? This year, I even was ice skating on a frozen lake – also something I can recommend. But defintely make sure the ice is thick enough before entering it! 🙂

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Winter at Home: Warm up

Tips for a winter day at home: Tea time

After a walk in the snow, of course I need to warm up. So I light a candle, make myself a cup of tea and cuddle up with a blanket and a good book on my couch.

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Back to Work

Winter day at home: RetroCat's candle by Diptyque

I am lucky enough to be very flexible when it comes to work. So during winter, I usually go out during the few bright afternoon hours and work in the evening, instead. Especially as I am much more creative later in the day.

Winter at Home: A cosy Movie Night

Winter tips: A cosy movie night at home

When I am finished with work, I have dinner and usually relax a bit on the couch. I either watch a series (currently, my boyfriend and I are re-watching Game of Thrones) or a movie classic. At the moment, I am a huge fan of Miss Marple, by the way. 😉


Depending on how late it is, I sometimes go back to work after watching something on TV. On other days, though, I directly go to bed.

But no matter what I am doing before going to bed, I always make sure to take good care of my skin and hair. I use a cleansing oil by Kiehl’s to clean my skin, use rosewater and apply face oil afterwards. Then, I brush my hair and make sure I will get enough beauty sleep.

If I can’t sleep, I read a bit in bed. This always helps me to fall asleep. 😉

All in all, I can say it’s the little things that keep me happy during winter. I try to get as much sunlight as possible and catch some fresh air every day. Furthermore, some pretty spaces in my flat also really help me to feel good. What are the things that help you to stay happy during winter?

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