10 funny facts about me
Somehow, the cold and rainy weather stole all the fashion inspiration I gained during vacation. I decided that the weather should not take down my mood, though. So instead of showing another outfit, I thought it is time to share ten more funny facts about me.
My biggest Fear

It might sound a bit bizarre, but my biggest fear is to lose my smartphone, that someone finds it and will see my spotify playlist. Embarrassing photos or very personal messages? No problem at all! But my playlist is just too awkward and I will never ever show it to someone. 😉
Time-consuming Hobbies

I absolutely love to sit on my balcony and observe plants as well as insects – especially through my macro lens! Taking photos of flowers and insects is one of my favourite hobbies. It may not be a very spectacular or exciting hobby, but it definitely is a very relaxing one. 😉
Strange Reading Habits

Often, I read nothing at all for month. But as soon as a I start a new book, I read it in one or two days (and sleepless nights). And afterwards, I will read nothing for months, again.
My Passion for Collecting

Beside true vintage clothes and accessories, I also collect fashion magazines and – yes – Playboys. I own that many magazines that I no longer have enough space for them in my flat. So I had to store them at my parents’ house.
My biggest Passion: Pasta

I am the biggest pasta fan in all the world! I could eat pasta every day. And although I might not be the very best cook, I can cook pasta pretty well. So if you will ever be my guest, you can be sure I will serve you pasta. PS: In this blogpost, I share my favourite pasta recipe with you.
True Crime Fan

While I cook pasta or do the dish washing afterwards, I like to listen to true crime postcast. By now, I almost know every thrilling German case, I think. So if you have some good true crime podcast tips for me, tell me please. 🙂
When I am hungry, I get angry

When I am hungry, I can be a really difficult person – and with difficult I mean difficult. So as soon as I express even the slightes feeling of hunger, my boyfriend makes sure to find something to eat for me. And after having some food, my mood will be great again.
Weird Housemates

I have some weird housemates: A full army of hairy, selfmade decoration spiders that always cause some astonishment amongst our visitors. I absolutely love them, though.
My biggest Nightmare

As great and fancy as some fruits might look, I don’t like most of them. I actually only really enjoy apples and bananas, but don’t really eat any other fruits. My biggest nightmare are raisins, though. How on earth are some people able to eat them? I don’t understand. They taste absolutely horrible, in my opinion. I do like most of the vegetables out there, though.
Clumsy Fellow in Action

I am pretty clumsy and regularly upset glasses as well as other things. This is also why you never ever should place a full glass beside me when there is something sensitive around. 😉
You want to know even more funny facts about me? Then make sure to check out this and this blogpost.