My Week: Crazy Times

RetroCat's week: Crazy Times

My week: A TV show and the 2nd Lockdown

Well, I actually wanted to share my week with you on a weekly base. However, my life isn’t very exciting, currently. And while I was able to enjoy a few almost carefree days in countryside and time with some dear friends in the city in October, I prepare myself for a cosy November at home with my love, as we are facing a 2nd lockdown here in Germany. To be honest: It could be much worse. However, those times are crazy and quite disturbing. Nevertheless, a few fun things happened last week, so of course, I want to share them with you.

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What I did and saw:

Back at the beginning of 2020, when everything was still “normal”, I was part of a German bridal TV show (thus the photo of me and my competitors wearing bridal dresses). The show is called “Die schönste Braut” which can be translated with “The most beautiful bride” or so. Well, and last week, the show where I took part in finally got broadcasted! What a strange feeling to see yourself in TV! I am not sure if you are able to watch it online, if you live outside of Germany, but you can try to have a look at TVnow, if you are curious. 

And then, it was Halloween. Of course, Halloween was also different this year. But my boyfriend and I got all cuddled up at home and watched Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. And last but not least, in my freetime, I enjoyed all the colourful autumn leaves. Those rustling leaves underneath my shoes, and all the intense colours always put a smile on my face.

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What I read

To be honest: The return to standard time and the related shorter days didn’t really help to raise my spirits. However, candles, cosy blankets, many pillows and thrilling books really help me to bear with those grey and gloomy autumn days. Last week I read a thriller by a German author, which was so thrilling that I got goose bumps. Unfortunately, the book isn’t available in English…

What I wore

As temperatures are pretty low here in Bavaria, it was time to take out my jackets and coats. Underneath, I wore dresses with long sleeves and hosiery. And of course, never forget some warm accessories like gloves and hats in autumn. 😉

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What will make the 2nd Lockdown more bearable

Well, on Monday another month of lockdown starts here in Germany. I will try to make the days as beautiful and cosy as possible. I will start with Christmas decoration, will drink a lot of tea, read as many books as possible, and am going to go out to get some fresh air on a regular base.

How is the situation in your country? Are you facing another lockdown as well, or is the situation under control where you live?

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  1. 2. November 2020 / 19:46

    Appearing on TV in a vintage-inspired wedding dress sounds exciting to me – well done you! Sadly it seems the programme isn’t available in the UK but judging by the pictures it looks like it went really well.
    My fiancée and I also spent Halloween curled up watching scary-ish films – Nosferatu and Bedknobs & Broomsticks this year(!). I love the autumn colours too – I’m very lucky to have lots of trees and parks where I live so the leaves are wonderful this time of year. We’ve had very strong winds here though so lots of trees have already lost their leaves. I hope the colours and the things you like continue to help lift your spirits. We’re starting a month-long lockdown in the UK on Thursday so yes, back to how things were in March – but hopefully not for too long! I’ve been using the time to brush up on my 25 year old A-level (Abitur) German using an online course – not confident enough to try it yet but getting there! Otherwise, yes – take care of yourself, look forward to Christmas, read lots of books, drink tea and go outside when possible (with some nice hats and gloves – accessories are so underrated!), that’s the plan!

    • Sandra
      5. November 2020 / 18:19

      Thank you so much for your lovely comment!
      I really hope things will get better soon. But for now, I enjoy the cosy days at home. 🙂
      And how exciting you are using the time to brush up on your German!

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