Fashion is so much more than only clothes. Fashion always is a mirror of the zeitgeist of the era, is able to cause scandals (just think of the first time women wore trousers!), and can also be a reflection of the political opinion of the wearer. On this page, you find an overview of fashion classics, the style of different eras, vintage designers from A to Z and much more. Have fun finding out more about fashion!
PS: I update this page on a regular basis, so make sure to come back soon!
Fashion Know-how: Fashion Classics
There are fashion classics, which have been fashionable since 40, 50, or even 80 years. In my fashion classics blogposts, I tell you the story of the different garments. I’m sure, the one or the other fact is going to surprise you!
Capri Pants Circle Skirt Dirndl Fishnets Garter Belts | Houndstooth Little Black Dress Maxi Dress Nylon Stockings | Pencil Skirt Petticoat Striped Shirt | Tights Trousers |
The Fashion of the 20s to 60s
[ap_divider color=”#CCCCCC” style=”solid” thickness=”3px” width=”100%” mar_top=”20px” mar_bot=”20px”]Vintage Fashion ABC
In my Vintage Fashion ABC, I’m going to reveal the best vintage and repro desingers, clarify terms of the fashion world, and give you an overview of interesting facs about the fashion of the present and past.